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Photo courtesy of Fred Moody


The Tropical Garden Society of Sydney has the goal of fostering interest in growing tropical plants in a subtropical climate. It aims to educate and share information through expert presentations. It also provides access to plants that are not readily available in Sydney. Regular meetings are held in a central location and have a friendly, informal and non-competitive atmosphere. New members are very welcome.

Our next meeting is scheduled for 7:30 pm Tuesday 22nd October at Concord and on Zoom.

Helen Lovel from Neutrog will speak on the topic Neutrog – Biological Fertilisers

Soil is rich in secrets, and for the last 35 years Neutrog has been on a journey to unearth them. In conjunction with commercial growers, landmark gardens, passionate home gardeners and in collaboration with some of the most respected research institutions in Australia, Neutrog has changed the way fertilisers are produced and the way they perform through innovation, research, and development. Join us as we take you through the range that harnesses the power of microbiology and allows plants to reach their full potential.












You can obtain free tickets from Eventbrite to watch the presentation on Zoom. Tickets are available here.

Click here for information about dates and speakers of future meetings


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Meetings will be held every month except December in 2024.

In June & August there will be Zoom meetings only

For the other months, meetings are planned to be held at:

Venue: Concord Community Centre, 1a Gipps St, Concord

Time:7:00pm entry for 7:30pm presentation start on the fourth Tuesday of the month

 Months: January, February, March, April, May, July, September, October, November


NB - COVID-19 restrictions will be observed.



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