Tropical Garden Society of Sydney
Jennie Larucci's front garden. Photo courtesy of Edwina Wain
On this Resources page we show
1. Some interesting articles
2. Some old format Tropica magazines. (Members should log in to the members area to see the most recent issues of Tropica)
3. A list of recent speakers
1. Some interesting articles
2. Past issues of Tropica Magazine
Tropica magazine is normally published three times a year and contains information on a wide range of tropical plants being grown in Sydney as well as items of interest to members about gardens visited elsewhere or plants growing in habitat. Selected items from past issues are presented on this page.
Note! Members can login ( at the top right hand corner of page) to go to the Members area to view the most recent copies of Tropica.
Tropica No. 14 - July 2008 Growing Bamboos in Sydney by Norma Edwards ......4-6
Experiences growing Bamboos by Anthony Hillin, Greg Jones, Alan Collins, Helen & Neil Curran .......6-9,19
Cycads, the forgotten garden feature by Colin Wilson .......10-17
Experiences growing small Cycads by Alan Collins, Fred Moody, Norma & Ian Edwards ....... 17-18
Tropica No. 15 - November 2008 Ground covers by Fred Moody, Norma Edwards ...... 5-9
Small Cycads by Colin Wilson ......10-14
Beautiful rare Dypsis by Bill Beattie ...... 15
The gardens of Bali by Brian Kennedy...... 16-18
Cycas media on Hayman Island by Jennie Larucci ...... 19
Tropica No. 16 - March 2009 Aechmeas by Greg Jones ...... 4-6
Experience growing Aechmeas by Norma Edwards ...... 6-8
New Caledonian palm name changes by Ian Edwards .....9
Arenga palms for Sydney by Ian Edwards ...... 10-14
Experiences growing Arengas by Greg Smith, Paul Anderson, Alan Collins ..... 15-17
Scadoxus multiflora by Norma Edwards...... 17
Our Open Garden weekend by Brian and Jann Kennedy ..... 19-20
Tropica No. 17 - July 2009 To the caldera by Fred Moody .....4-7
Marantaceae, the Maranta family by Ian Edwards ..... 12-17
Circestis mirabilis by Ian Edwards ..... 18
Ancient palm seeds ..... 19
3.Recent Speakers
22 October 2024 Helen Lovel from Neutrog gave a presentation on Neutrog Biological Fertilisers and provided samples of three types for members.
24 September 2024 James Clugston gave a talk on the topic “Applying Current Thinking to Define Species in Plants." This talk examined the latest scientific thinking on the definition of a plant species including factors such as location, flowering time and genetics.
27 August 2024 Amal Eid discussed her visit to the World Bromeliad Conference 2024 in Florida including her experience as a judge for the show competition and gave a summary of the topics covered and photos.
23 July 2024 Our member, Sarah Collins, gave a presentation with the title "The Butchart Gardens and other gardens of Canada.
25 June 2024 Bruce Dunstan gave a talk on Zoom about his trip to Panama in 2023. He showed photographs of many species of Heliconia, Anthurium and Philodendron and other tropical plants in a number of different areas of the country as well as a multi-day climb through the forest up a mountain in Darien.
28 May 2024 Our member and auctioneer Robert King gave a talk on the topic "Lord Howe Island and its Flora". The talk discussed endemic plants as well as threats to this special environment from invasive species of animals and plants.
23 April 2024 Christine Rethers gave a talk entitled Growing Orchids in a Garden showing the many ways she displays orchids, bromeliads and other plants in trees and around the garden.
26 March 2024 Steve Falcioni from OCP Organic Crop Protectants gave a talk on Organic gardening which focused on the various eco products the company has on the market, giving information about their uses and benefits.
27 February 2024 due to a late withdrawal of our scheduled speaker Judith Watson's talk "Tropical Collection of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew" was moved forward from April and given this night. The talk focused on plants in the Palm House, Waterlily House, Princess of Wales Conservatory and the Temperate House.
23 January 2024 Fred Moody gave a talk called " A Tour of USA Gardens" showing plants from a number of botanic gardens such as Missouri and Fairchild as well as some private gardens in the south.
24 October 2023 James Clugston gave a very informative talk entitled "An introduction to the Cycads" and discussed conservation and some of the latest research into them.
26 September 2023 Peter Hey from Just Clivias and Rare Things gave a talk on the Development of Green Clivias which included discussion of hybridisation methods, a live pollination demonstration and examples of Clivias in flower.
22 August 2023 Stefan Burger gave a presentation on the "Bromeliads of Chile and Mexico". This also showed a number of endangered species of bromeliads as well as cactus and other unusual plants growing in habitat.
25 July 2023 Jacqui Maxwell, our President, presented a talk entitled "A Tiki Tour of Taranaki Open Gardens".
27 June 2023 Stephen Bartlett gave a presentation entitled ‘Titan Arum, the world’s largest inflorescence, my experiences and interesting facts’
This was based on his work at The Royal Botanic gardens Sydney flowering the Amorphophallus titanum for only the second time in Australia.
23 May 2023 Jeff Williams gave a talk called "Successful Growing and Propagation Of Nepenthes ( Tropical Pitcher Plants) in Sydney". He brought examples of plants growing outdoors in his garden and spoke about taking cuttings and growing media.
25 April 2023 Libby Cameron gave a presentation entitled ‘A Floral Ride Through India’ which featured the many ways flowers are used through India as decorations and offerings and some wonderful gardens.
28 March 2023 Jennie Larrucci spoke on the topic "75 Years of Gardening with a Pinch of History" about her gardens, memorable people, experiences and her lifetime love of plants.
28 February2023 Gil Teague, past owner of the Florilegium Bookshop, spoke on the topic “My Favourite Plant Books”.
24 January 2023 Jeremy Critchley from The Green Gallery discussed "Growing tropical plants in a commercial wholesale setting."
25 October 2022 Tammy Huynh, horticulturalist and TV presenter, gave a talk about the basics of indoor plant care entitled "Indoor Plants 101". Tammy can be contacted through her website
27 September 2022 Stuart Read, co-chair of the Australian Garden History Society, gave a talk about the father and son Michael and William Guilfoyle and their influence on early gardens of Sydney and beyond. The title was Pre-Victoria: Double Bay, Cudgen & jobs north of the Murray - Guilfoyle in NSW.
23 July 2022 Troy Donovan spoke on the topic The Sub Tropical Look at 42 Degrees South. He shared his experience of establishing a beautiful palm filled garden in Hobart.
26 July 2022 Judith Watson gave a presentation entitled Exploring Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay. Judith shared photos taken during several visits to the gardens focussing on the amazing variety of plants and wildlife to be found there in different areas.
28 June 2022 Ruth Donnelly gave a talk titled Everything you need to know about Epiphyllums, Selenicereus and other related plants.
Ruth Donnelly shared her growing expertise to help viewers have a flourishing collection of these amazing plants based on 40 years of experience propagating and growing a wide range of both indoor and outdoor plants for the nursery industry. For further information see the website
24 May 2022 Peter Hey from Just Cliveas and Rare Things gave a talk on Veltheimia - Forest Lily. Care and Cultivation. You can learn more about Peter's nursery at
26 April 2022 Edwina Wain gave a talk titled Uncommon Bromeliad Genera, of which there are more than 70 plus a number of Bigenerics. Edwina and her husband Steve, have been growing and collecting Bromeliads for over 20 years. Edwina is an accredited Bromeliad Judge and regularly judges at the Bromeliad Society of Australia and the Illawarra Bromeliad Society shows.
22 March 2022 Tony Matson from CutAbove Tools gave a talk about appropriate selection of tools for pruning and demonstrated methods of sharpening and maintenance. You can learn more about these tools at the website:
22 February 2022 Marlon Maclean from the Australasian Carnivorous Plants Society gave a presentation which explored the many varieties of carnivorous plants and the ways they trap their prey. It had the title The Wild World of Carnivorous Plants
25 January 2022 (Zoom Online Meeting) Colin Wilson, in a talk entitled A Palm Journey, showed the amazing work he has done to create or rebuild palm gardens in the botanic gardens of Tenerife, Sydney and Wollongong as well as at his own home.
23 November 2021(Zoom Online Meeting) Alistair MacDougall discussed the tropical fruit trees he has in his Eastern Suburbs garden during his presentation Tropical Fruit in Sydney: You’ll be amazed at what you can grow!
26 October 2021 (Zoom Online Meeting) Ted Shaw's talk' Native Orchids in my Garden' showed specimens from his collection of Dendrobiums and some other natives.Ted demonstrated his technique of attaching clumps of Dendrobum speciosum to rock outcrops in his garden.
28 September 2021 (Online Zoom Meeting) Ross Bolwell gave a talk on 'All About Begonias'. Ross Bolwell is the owner of Bloomin' Greenery Nursery at Annangrove, growing a large range of shade plants and breeding Begonias. He was also the head teacher of Horticulture at Ryde TAFE for many years.
24 August 2021 (Zoom Online meeting) Erik Van Zuilekom from UnitedNatures Design gave a talk entitled Growing Aroids: Habitat to our homes. The presentation showed some very informative photos of how plants congregate in habitat and stressed how we can look to these conditions when growing plants in home situations.
27 July 2021 (Zoom Online Meeting) Our president, Jacqui Maxwell gave a talk on 'Nepenthes in my Central Coast Garden'
22 June 2021 (Zoom Online Meeting) Kylie Stocks from Verdigris Fern Nursery gave a talk entitled Growing Ferns. She also suggested learning more about this topic by visiting her husband's website
25 May 2021 Jim Brydie presented a talk on orchids with the title Growing Phalaenopsis as a houseplant. Members can see information sheets associated with Jim's talk by logging in to this website's Member Area.
26 April 2021 Annual General Meeting and presentation by Fred Moody entitled an Introduction to Aroids. Fred brought a large selection of Anthuriums, Philodendrons and other aroids in pots and some huge leaves. He also discussed many more specimens via a slide show.
23 March 2021 Presentation by Graham Nunn - Beekeeping as a retirement hobby.
Graham spoke about his practical four year experience of keeping both European honey bees and native bees and discussed equipment, work involved and the rewards.
23 February, 2021 (Zoom Online Meeting)
Bruce Dunstan gave a fascinating presentation entitled “Plants of the Western Range in Colombia”. The talk showed photos of the large number of species encountered during his expeditions to Colombia focussing largely on the genus Heliconia but also Anthuriums, Philodendrons other aroids and the bromeliads Pitcarnea and Guzmania. Many were species that have not as yet been named.
26 January, 2021 ( Zoom Online Meeting)
Judith Watson gave a presentation on her trip to the NSW Northern Rivers, showing photos of plants and wildlife. The presentation focused on lesser-known areas of rainforest and coastline that were visited as well as a few locations that may be more familiar.
24 November, 2020 ( Zoom Online Meeting)
Wayne Lyons from subTropical Exotics gave a very detailed presentation on his private collection of Aroids entitled "The family of Araceae. Members are colloquially known as Aroids". See Wayne's website at
27 October, 2020 ( Zoom Online Meeting)
Designer Peter Nixon showed us many features of interest in making Cool Subtropics Gardens including greenwalls, mirrors and plants for rich textural and foliage contrasts year round. Peter Nixon has the following websites,, See also Instagram: paradisus_sea_changer Facebook: Paradisus Garden Design
22 September 2020 (Zoom Online Meeting)
Robert King gave a presentation entitled 'Why plant names are sometimes altered - explanation and justification'.
28 July 2020 (Zoom Online Meeting)
Peter Hey from Just Cliveas and Rare Things gave a talk on ‘Symbiotic relationships’ about the hidden plant/microflora nutritional exchange. Peter is stallholder at both the at the Collectors’ Plant Fair and Plant Lovers Fair. His website address is: You can also follow him on Instagram: or visit him at Rozelle Collectors Market.
March, April & May 2020
These meetings were cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions
25 February 2020
Gordon Cheers gave a presentation on Carnivorous Plants
28 January 2020
Ray Henderson gave a talk entitled - 'How the Paradox garden has evolved over the last decade. A warts-and-all exposé using the best images'.
26 November 2019
Judith Watson spoke on a recent visit to the Eden Project in Cornwall.
22 October 2019
Dr Dale Dixon spoke on Tillandsia species, cultivars and their cultivation.
24 September 2019
TGSS 40th Anniversary Event - Tropical Garden Society Sydney turns 40 this year. To celebrate, we are having a 40th Anniversary Event. It will include a couple of short talks from some of our long standing members.
23 July 2019
Peter Hey from Just Cliveas and Rare Things gave a talk on ‘Clivias and Rare Plants’. Peter will discuss the latest developments in hybridising, pollination techniques, growing media and care of C. miniata and the Sub-family/Tribe Hyacinthoides. Peter's website address is: You can also follow him on Instagram:
29 May 2019
Our member, Joan Joachim, gave a talk on Tropical Sri Lanka
26 March 2019
Robert King gave a talk entitled 'Mangroves - tropical plants with a difference'.
We only have two mangrove species in the Sydney region, but in northern Australia there is a rich and varied collection of species all coping with an environment that appears unfriendly to flowering plants.
26 February 2019
Amanda Henderson spoke on "Zoning your garden. Working with the elements nature and your garden provides."
23 January 2019
Edwina and Steve Wain gave a talk on their adventure in Colombia with The International Palm Society Biennial.
27 November 2018
Dr Dale Dixon gave a presentation on his recent travels through Mexico and Cuba.
23 October 2018
Colin Johnson, a horticulturist and plant collector from Queensland with 20 years experience in the nursery and garden industry, spoke about soil and media conditioning with Earthlife products to improve mineral balance and plant health.
25 September 2018
Paul Kirkpatrick from Gardenacious gave a talk on the Weird and Wonderful World of Plant Collectors with stories about the Hookers, the Tradescants and much more.
24 July 2018
Our new member Robert King gave a talk entitled 'Le Jardin Majorelle, Morocco. This famous garden is in Marrakesh. It was developed by the French painter Jacques Majorelle over a period of forty years and later restored by Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge'. It is built in a Moorish-Spanish style and features the use of bright colour, water features and lattice pavilions.
22 May 2018
Fred Moody showed us some very interesting Anthuriums and discussed their culture.
27 March 2018
Gordon Cheers gave a presentation on his recent North Coast trip including the Coffs Harbour Botanical Garden and Bellingen markets. In addition, Werner Raff gave some tips on growing Bromeliads.
27 February 2018
Judith Watson gave a presentation on the Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery which she visited recently in Hong Kong. This is a traditional Chinese landscape garden built in the Tang Dynasty style. It incorporates pavilions, water features, hillocks and sculptured trees.
22 January 2018
Mary Matthews looked at eradicating weeds from a bush carers point of view. Narelle Smith also talked about pests, diseases and nutrients.
28 November 2017
Ted Shaw took us on a hike in Lamington National Park in search of Sarcochilus orchids, and Suzanne Gilkes spoke about growing tropical plants in a mini courtyard.
24 October 2017
Ross Bolwell gave a talk about his visit to an oceanfront botanical garden on the Big Island of Hawaii with waterfalls and lava flows.
26 September 2017
Jim Brydie gave a presentation on Dendrobium kingianum orchids with information on where they come from, growing them and different varieties.
25 July 2017
Andrew Rosiak gave a presentation on Calatheas and other indoor plants and their propagation by tissue culture.
23 May 2017
Edwina Caruana and Steve Wain gave a presentation featuring the private gardens of three well known palm collectors, Bill Austin, Timothy Brian and Dean Ouer, on the Big Island of Hawaii.
28 March 2017
Kim Hamilton from Hamilton's Cacti gave a talk on Cacti and Succulents. See
28 February 2017
Fred Moody gave a presentation about gardens visited during the 2016 International Palm Society Biennial, held in Sarawak and Singapore
24nd January 2017
Stuart and Joy Reiss from Sydney Frangipani gave a talk about all things frangipani including a live grafting
demonstration. See
22nd November 2016
Alan Collins gave a presentation on Hoyas.
25th October 2016
Greg Lamont from Foundation and Friends of the Botanic Gardens gave a talk about propagation of tropical plants.
27th September 2016
Judith Watson gave a presentation on Bromeliads of Machu Picchu and the sacred Valley of Peru.
26th July 2016
Brian Kennedy gave a presentation about designing a tropical garden for Sydney and introducing suitable microclimates.
24th May 2016
"Bring a Friend Night" with 4 short member talks on Bromeliads, Growing Orchids on Trees, Heliconias and our Website.
22nd March 2016
Les Brandon gave a presentation on Heliconias and establishing a subtropical garden in Sydney.
23rd February 2016
Dale Dixon (President) talked about Cycads with a focus on those from South America.
26th January 2016
Jill Richardson from A Taste of the Bush gave a talk on and tasting of Australian native foods.