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Cultural Notes

Click on the photos  below to access information about the plant families listed.


by Jill Collins

Learn about Hoya species and cultivars that will grow in the Sydney area.Discover their water and light needs and methods for propagation. Pest control, fertilization and flowering times are also discussed.

A brief review of the palms in Singapore

By Garry Daly

Click on the photo to read this interesting article about some of the palms and gardens in Singapore

A brief look at the plants around Perth and the South West of Western Australia

by Garry Daly

Learn about the plants around Perth and the South West of Western Australia.  Click on the photo to access his article and photos

Tropical and Subtropical Plants for the Southern Sydney Basin

by Garry Daly

Learn about the plants Garry is successfully growing in Nowra.  Click on the photo to access his article and photos

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